- The Equinox Chart Wheel is a classic design ... suitable for the beginner or professional astrologer.
- Glyphs: All planets and signs are shown by colour coded astrological glyphs plus there is a discreet key for those who cannot read the symbols.
- 12 Planetary Bodies: In addition to the Sun, Moon and eight planets, Chiron and the Node are included.
- Choice of Orbs: Standard (tightest), Faculty of Astrological Studies (medium) and loose (wide orbs).
- Choice of Color Scheme - Spectrum or Block (suited to astrologers who want clear definition) or Rainbow (for framing) or Greyscale (for mono publications).
 - No time of birth? If you don't know your time of birth a birth chart wheel can be calculated without a time, by placing 0 degrees Aries on the ascendant and using Equal houses.
- Planets are listed by sign, zodiacal degree and minute, house position, mode, and element.
- Aspects: Wheel includes full aspecterian grid showing major and minor aspects and degree of separation.
Wheels available in several languages: |
Choice of 2 from 7 House Systems |
Koch |
 | Standard Primary |
Placidus |
 | Standard Secondary |
Topocentric |
Alcabitus |
Regiomontanus |
Campanus |
Porphry |
Time Zones & Daylight Savings |
Each wheel includes the latitude, longitude and time zone used in the calculation. When ordering, please give us the local time - i.e. the time that was on the clock, we will calculate daylight savings time and time zone.
Prices | Size |   UK |   USA | Australia |
Range of Natal Chart Wheels |
Wheel | [A4] |   £8   |   $14 |   A$16   |
Wheel Laminated | [A4] |   £9   |   $15 |   A$18   |
Large Wheel | [A3] |   £13 |   $18 |   A$25   |
Large Wheel Laminated | [A3] |   £15 |   $22  |   A$30   |
4 Mini Wheels | [cc] |   £8   |   $14 |   A$16   |
Synastry or Composite Wheel | [A4] |   £9   |   $15 |   A$18   | Synastry or Composite W. Laminated | [A4] |   £10   |   $16 |   A$20   |
Post/Shipping | | £2.50 | $3.50 | A$5.50 |
Astro*Carto*Graphy |
Lunar Phase Calendars
Sizes |   Imperial [inches] |   Metric [mm] |
A4 | 8.27 x 11.69 | 210 × 297mm |
A4 is closest to US letter size. |
Letter size is available if requested. |
A3 | 11.69 x 16.54 | 297 × 420mm |
A3 is closest to US ledger or tabloid size. |
CC | Each Miniwheel is credit card size |
Ways of Ordering:
Secure Order Form: Our order form is set for our standard laminated wheel: block colour, A4 size, Koch house system.
Wheel Options |
If you require non-standard format, size, house system, orb, etc. tick the standard wheel on the order form and later include your request in the special request box that comes up on the same page as your credit card details. If necessary, we will adjust your price accordingly as all our billing is done manually for security reasons.
telephone or posr: see contact points around the world set out in the box below.
shop: The Astrology Shop in Central London [78 Neal St. WC2], Dublin, & Paris.
around the USA, UK, Ireland, Australia where Equinox has a booth.
The Mill House, Santon, Isle of Man, IM4 1EX, British Isles. |
465 NE 181st Ave., Suite 818, Portland, OR 97230, USA |
Box 72, 377 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia |
UK |
USA & Canada |
Australia |
Telephone: | (0)1624 827000 | (503) 296 2069 (24/7 voicemail) | (02) 9475 0175 |
Ordering [Toll free] | 0800 834 861 | 1-800 627 7464 (Live 4am to 2pm EST) | 1308 852 919 Live Evenings only |
To telephone from any location world-wide: +44 1624 827000 |