Pete Bennett (born 22 March 1982, 5.30am East Dulwich)
sprung to fame in the UK when he appeared as a “housemate” on Big
Brother [7] and went on to win £100,000 ($200,000) last year.This required spending 93 days locked up in
the Big Brother house isolated from the rest of the world, but in full public
view on national television and 24/7 web cam.Eventually after other housemates were evicted and six remained, the
public voted Pete the winner in a telephone poll.
Early diagnosis of Tourettes
What I find more interesting about Pete is his life, his birth
chart and the challenges he has had to overcome.His mother, a client of mine, has confirmed his birth
details.She has said that though he
showed no outward signs of problems in his early years, he was diagnosed with Tourette’s syndrome
at the age of 14.He had been bullied
at school from an early age and around this time he had lost contact with his
father, who had left his mother many years before.
Tourettes is a neurological disorder characterised by the
presence of repetitive, involuntary movements and vocal tics.In Pete’s case, his characteristic phonic
tic was a short whistle followed by the word “wankers!”Pete’s mother explained this expression was
quite tame compared to his earlier expressions and that these outbursts made it
very hard for him to get a regular job.However, his fame has lead to his tic become something of a catch
phrase.She recalled that she was in a
shop in France and heard Pete’s voice as a ring-tone on someone else’s
Pete's Strong Neptune - hard to set boundaries.
The first thing one notes about Pete’s chart is the strong
Neptune – right at the Midheaven square his Sun and Mercury conjunct his
Ascendant in Pisces (ruled by Neptune).Here is someone who finds it hard to set boundaries in his public and
personal life.On a physical level, it
is claimed that his Tourettes has been aggravated by an addiction to
Ketamine.Mercury rising in Pisces
suggests that a very thin margin exists between his thoughts and his utterances
in any new situation.With Mercury and
the Ascendant squared by Uranus in Sagittarius, these thoughts are often non
sequitur, shocking and rarely in line with social norms.In addition, Venus and the Moon in Aquarius
in 12th house indicate a strong subconscious need to exchange these
random, radical and sometimes anti-social truths and not be bound by
conventional rules of polite behaviour. Yet, the triple conjunction of Saturn, Mars, Pluto, in Libra on the cusp
of 8th house acts as a social policeman or even camp kommandant, a
moral gatekeeper of the subconscious with strictly enforceable rules.In my view, Tourettes is sometimes a
rational solution of the sub-conscious to an impossible inner
contradiction.In this case the
opposing conscious and sub-conscious forces are a wish to please others and a
disciplined urge to behave well trying to contain an uncompromising need to
speak the truth without recourse to any rules.
The Neptunian element also comes out in positive ways.Pete is now a rock n roll singer.Before rocketing to fame, when transiting
Pluto first moved over his Midheaven and then Neptune, (as it is still doing)
Pete had a dream that he would be on Big Brother and that he would win.
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